Come join the Family

Come join the Family

Birthday Madness
Please join us for Norah's Special Day

Please join us for Norah's Special Day

Sweet 16th
Live Performances

Live Performances

Thrilling performances

Event Date & Time

October 19th
@ 6:30 pm

Event Location

The Villa 4060 Powder Mill Rd., Calverton, MD 20705

Norah's Sweet 16 Celebration

Please join Norah in celebrating her 16th Birthday. All Family and friends are welcome to come and show Norah all of the love that has helped her get through her first 16 years of life. The evnt is FREE. Please RSVP on this page so that we know you are coming.

Check it out

Our Featured Live Performance

Deja Gruv Band

Concert Event Performers


We will put post party information here when available.

Check it out


We would prefer that you RSVP for the event so that we can make sure that you are treated with the upmost of stardom. Please RSVP and we will see you soon!


Food, appetizers, hour d’oeuvres and drinks will be served. There will also be a free open bar for those adults who wish to submerge into the night


There is no charge for parking at The Villa venue. Everyone can park for free. You may also park next door at the hotel if there is no available parking left in the venue parking lot

Incredible Entertainment

Throughout the night we will have a dynamic live band, DJ, photo booth opportunities and a dedicated time to Reflect and give short accounts from your life experiences with Norah.


Please click below to RSVP in the category that suits you and your family best for attending the event. If you are attending from out of town, or are staying late into the night, we have complimentary overnight hotel accommodations within steps of the venue to stay until 11 am the following morning.

Space is limited so please indicate below.



You will be attending the event alone.
Click 2 RSVP

You + 1

You and your date will be attending the event
Click 2 RSVP


You and your family will be attending the event.
Click 2 RSVP


OCTOBER 19th, 2019

We are currently verifying the entertainment lineup for the event. Please check back soon!



About Norah

Norah Lei Francis was born to Dwight Francis and Nona Alexander on October 28th, 2003 at 12 noon. Norah currently attends Eleanor Roosevelt High school in Greenbelt, MD in the Science and Technology Program
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Event Location

  • Event Location
    The Villa, 4060 Powder Mill Rd., Calverton, MD 20705
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Total Visitors: 9
